Welcome to the GAGB Forums.
Geocaching Association of Great Britain
Everything to do with the annual elections.
A place for new members to say hello and introduce themselves
Everything about Mega Events
A place where you can talk about a planned day out and see if there are any other cachers who would like to go with you.
A place to share your favourite caching memories and caching pics.
The place to discuss Trigpointing and related matters.
Negotiations, approaches, agreements - let us know about them here
Regional forums on GAGB and regional forums hosted elsewhere
Other topics
Everything to do with trackable items
A place where you can ask for advice about gps units, computers, or any other problems you might have, caching related or not.
A place to discuss all non-caching and non-GAGB subjects (within reason!)
Members and Forum Users decisions
A place for you to offer your services to other members
For testing purposes
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Welcome to our newest user, 23Geoboi